This week's recommended reading: 19th Adar - 25th Adar, 5769
Posted by Aryeh ben Avraham | Labels: Aish.Breslev, Baal Shem Tov, Chabad, Rabbi Erez Moshe Doron, Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rabbi Max Weimman, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, Rabbi Noson Weisz, Shabbath, The Kehot Chumash, The Zohar, Weekly Parsha | Posted On Thursday, 19 March 2009 at 12:00

Torah Reading for Week of March 15-21, 2009 - Adar 19-25, 5769
Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38) - It's All in the Timing - by Rabbi Max Weimman
Advanced Parsha - Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38) - His Soul's Fire - by Rabbi Noson Weisz - Aish Jerusalem
Insights from the ZOHAR on the Weekly Torah Reading - Pekudei (Exodus 38:21-40:38) - The Supernal Source of War By Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom - “Childless”, By Rabbi Erez Moshe Doron
Chassidic Pearls - Seeing and Hearing the Tzaddik, First-hand - Parshat Vayakhel - By: Rabbi Lazer Brody
Stories for the Shabbos Table - The Holiness of a Shabbat Gathering - Vayakhel - By The Baal Shem Tov
The editorial page of Breslev Israel's English website - The Deer and the Wolves By Rabbi Lazer Brody