This week's recommended reading: 4th - 10th Nissan, 5769
Posted by Aryeh ben Avraham | Labels: Haftara, Judaism, Shabbath, Torah, Weekly Parsha | Posted On Tuesday, 31 March 2009 at 13:35

Torah Reading for the Week of March 29 - April 4, 2009 - Nissan 4-10, 5769
Tzav (Leviticus 6-8) - Holy Garbage - by Rabbi Max Weimman
Advanced Parsha - Tzav (Leviticus 6-8) - Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust - by Rabbi Noson Weisz - Aish Jerusalem
From our Sages on the Parshah - Parshah In Depth - Parshah: Tzav Verses: Leviticus 6:1-8:36
Insights from the ZOHAR on the Weekly Torah Reading - Tzav (Leviticus 6-8) - Going Up In Smoke By Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
Insights from the ZOHAR on the Weekly Torah Reading - Tzav (Leviticus 6-8) - Burned Again! By Rabbi Yitzchak Luria
Rebbe Nachman's Wisdom - “The World of Shallow Opinions”, By Rabbi Erez Moshe Doron
Chassidic Pearls - Confessing to G-d - Tzav - By: Rabbi Lazer Brody
Stories for the Shabbos Table - Being Invisible - Tzav - By The Baal Shem Tov
The editorial page of Breslev Israel's English website - Emuna = Freedom By Rabbi Lazer Brody
Peninim on the Torah
PARSHAS TZAV By Rabbi A. Leib Scheinbaum
Chasidic Insights on the Weekly Parsha
PARSHAS TZAV 5769 (from 5763) BS"D By Zvi Akiva Fleisher
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