Only Prayer
Posted by Aryeh ben Avraham | Labels: Breslover Chassidim, Daven, Emuna Outreach, Emunah, Eretz Yisrael, Hashem, Jewish People, Jews, Judaism, Klal Yisrael, Prayer, Rabbi Lazer Brody, Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, Torah | Posted On Tuesday, 22 April 2008 at 19:14
Here you have beloved brethren, the only weapon that will defeat Eretz Ysrael's enemies, it is PRAYER, not weapons, or any person or army but simple sincere PRAYER from way deep within our heart.
We have to get hold of our sword (Emunah) and start praying (Tefillah) to Hashem, in order to clean the path so that Mosiach can come and deliver Klal Ysrael from our enemies.
Rabbi Lazer Brody from Lazer Beams has a woderful spiritual explanation about the threat against Israel and how to deal with it.
Kindly click here to listen.