Confront Iranian hate propaganda!

Posted by Aryeh ben Avraham | Labels: , , , | Posted On Monday, 12 November 2007 at 11:16

E-mail someone who can help. Just copy the email message below and send it off to friends who can help. 1,000 hyperlinks to confront Iranian hate propaganda. The Iranian regime’s recent Holocaust denial cartoon contest and conference has unleashed a new wave of hate art and pseudo-academic propaganda designed to advance their political agenda. Together, these acts compose an effective advertising campaign against Jews and Israel. Their cartoon contest has generated 228 persuasive, but one sided images, that are now circulating around the Internet. The conference generated so much media attention that it provided Holocaust deniers an international media platform to spread their hate messages world-wide. Although the Internet has become a breeding ground for bigots, it also provides a forum to voice opposition. When challenged, if you say nothing, then your detractors will speak for you. Why should a group of politically motivated hate advocates be allowed to rewrite history to suit their ends? Shouldn't’ the historians make an accurate recording of this event, and appropriately refer to it as another low point for humanity in the 21st century? The website ( has been launched to confront Internet based Iranian propaganda head on. This site will chronicle international indignation towards Iran’s escalating hate campaign; it will shine a bright light on the regime’s motives and oppressive government; and at the same time, it will link to other campaigns so motivated individuals may find opportunities to respond that are suitable to their time and level of commitment. With approximately one billion Internet users, would you prefer if web searchers found Iran’s information weapons or a critical response to them? If you think this is a suitable response to Iran’s hate campaign, then please spare a moment to help link up this site. The organizers need help from webmasters; blogger's; discussion groups members; online campaigners; or any other web connected individuals who can make a hyperlink to this website. Please send this email to anyone who frequently publishes on the Internet. If you do not know any techies, perhaps your friends do—by sending this email to them, they may know people who can help. Help reach 1,000 hyperlinks to confront Iranian propaganda head on: Link with a banner.

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